Short Fiction

“Your Name,” Obsidian.

“Heart Conjure,” Midnight & Indigo.

“Brightworks,” Kairos Literary Magazine.

“Divine Matters,” Tall Tale TV.

“Mira Bug,” Electric Spec.

“Therapies for World’s End,” Black from the Future: A Collection of Black Speculative Writing.

“Grounded Women Never Fly,” PodCastle.

“A Tool to Carry Us,” Speculative City.

“Fyrewall,” Glass and Gardens: Solarpunk Summers anthology.
Republished to LeVar Burton Reads podcast.

“Valley Fieldwork,” FIYAH.



“Searching for Sleeper Trains,” The Rumpus.


The Stars With You chapbook, Cooper Dillon Books.

“Render Raze Revise,” Rosalind’s Siblings anthology.

“Fuzzy Logic,” Strange Horizons.

“Raven Ways,” British Fantasy Society.

“Reality Scanner for Brown Bodies,” Curating the End of the World online exhibit.

“Lucky Fact,” The Future Fire.

“Ebb,” Gyroscope Review.

“Close Down,” Lost Balloon.

“Healer Broke Open,” Corvid Queen.

“Fault Lines,” The Mantle.

“Cultivating Midnight,” Mirror Dance.
